The method of ginger foot bath, functions and health benefits.

Introduction of ginger foot bath.
The method of ginger foot bath, functions and health benefits. Many of the medicinal ingredients in ginger are small molecules that can be boiled with a lid to prevent them from volatilizing. The amount of half a piece of ginger is for the average household used to soak the feet of the basin filled with half a basin of water. If need to soak feet with more water, or cold symptoms are more serious, as appropriate to increase the amount of ginger. After soaking the feet with ginger water for a while, the symptoms of coldness can be generally relieved.

 Add ginger and vinegar to hot water. Because ginger is spicy and warm, dissipate cold, warm stomach and other effects. The acetic acid in vinegar taste bitter and warm in nature, function dissipates stasis, hemostasis, detoxification, kill worms and other effects.

 Soaking feet with ginger and vinegar, your feet can absorb medicine through the skin, stimulate the point of the foot, regulate the meridian function, boost circulation of Qi and blood, adjust the viscera function, make the mind get Qi and blood nourishing and stable, thereby improving sleep.

The method of ginger foot bath, functions and health benefits.

 Ginger Foot Bath 03 Ginger vinegar soaking foot method is mainly applicable to both the heart and spleen of a restless mind, that is, there are many dreams easy to wake up. Forgetfulness, dizziness, weakness of limbs, mental exhaustion, tasteless appetite, complexion lack of color and other symptoms, and also appropriate for tinea pedis. First, take an appropriate amount of ginger, cut into pieces and add into the water to boil 1-2 minutes, and then add water to adjust the temperature to 45℃ or so, add an appropriate amount of vinegar, soak feet enough for 15-20 minutes. The expert also points out, because hot water, ginger, vinegar all belong to warm-nature materials, this method is not suitable for the patient of Yin deficiency fire flourishing type insomnia.

 Ginger is warm, its special "gingerol" can make blood vessels dilate, blood circulation faster, promote the body pores open, without that take away the excess heat, but also can bring out the bacteria, cold air inside the body. Therefore, ginger foot soak can increase the effect of foot soak several times.

 ✵1. Soak feet with ginger water to relieve colds and coughs: Boil or soak a large piece of ginger about the size of your thumb in hot water until the temperature is right(about 40 degrees). Even if you don't have a cold, use ginger to soak your feet could help to ward off the cold.

 ✵2. Soak feet with ginger water to relieve hypertension: Ginger has its special effects, patients with high blood pressure continuous soak foot for half an hour every night can effectively reduce symptoms. Soaking the foot in a bucket across the leg can better relieve blood pressure and other symptoms.

 Introduction of ginger foot bath ✵3. Soak feet with ginger water to reduce cold hands and feet: Ginger can ward off cold, cold hands and feet mainly due to lack of blood supply to the end of the body. Soak feet with ginger can effectively improve blood circulation and relieve cold hands and feet symptoms.

 ✵4. Soak feet with ginger water to improve sleep: soak feet with ginger and adding an appropriate amount of black vinegar, can be a good stimulation of the acupoints, enhance the metabolism of the system, to relax the human body, relieve fatigue, and improve the quality of sleep.

 ✵5. Soak feet with ginger water for kidney maintenance: soak feet with ginger water could help to improve the lack of blood supply, with tonifying ingredients can play a good role in warming and nourishing the kidney.

 ✵6. Soak feet with ginger water to delay aging: people with kidney deficiency and old, soaking feet with ginger water improve Qi and blood, benefits kidney, can effectively delay aging, prolong life.

 ✵7. Soak feet with ginger water for rheumatoid arthritis: Ginger has the effect of cooling, rheumatism patients soak feet with ginger water every night for half an hour can effectively relieve the disease. Soaking the foot in the bucket over the leg can better relieve rheumatoid arthritis and other symptoms.

 Soak feet with ginger water is good for men: 

 ✵1. Relieve man's cold: Boil a piece of ginger in water, wait for the water to cool to the appropriate temperature, soak feet for cold people, the effect is much better than injection or take medicine, even if there is no cold, also can prevent, protect you safely through winter.

 ✵2. Rheumatism: Ginger constituent "gingerol" can dilate blood vessels, accelerate blood flow, to achieve the effect of cold and wind, if middle-aged men suffer from rheumatism, soak feet with ginger water every night, can effectively relieve the rheumatism pain.

 ✵3. Improved sleep for men: Almost all the viscera in the human body have corresponding acupoints on the feet. Soaking feet with ginger water at night can effectively stimulate these acupoints and make the body feel comfortable. It has an excellent effect on improving insomnia, dreaminess and other symptoms.

 ✵4. Protect your kidneys: ancient works Ben Cao Gang Mu(compendium of materia medica) records on the kidney, is the source of Yang qi for man, the essence, Qi and vitality have a great relationship with kidney, the kidney is empty then the person is empty. Soak feet with ginger water can improve the blood supply of the kidney, with tonifying the kidney food, can play a good role in nourishing the kidney and warming the kidney.

 Soaking your feet with ginger water can not only improve blood circulation, regulate the endocrine system, but also enhance immunity. Men soak feet with ginger in winter, can effectively protect the kidney, relieve the symptoms of cold hands and feet, and have the effect of prolongation and longevity.

 ✵5. Remove beriberi and clean feet: Salt has an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect. Using saltwater to soak your feet can not only clean your feet but also prevent athlete's foot. It also exfoliates your feet. Because salt has an exfoliating effect, so put ginger into hot water to soak feet, you can use the heat in hot water to enhance the effect of exfoliating.

 ✵6. Decrease internal heat, enhance physical fitness: Ginger is hot, cool blood, detoxification, for a male with body constitution easy fire, hot physique, soaking feet with ginger water is a very good method of fire detoxification, besides, soak time can not be too long, 15 ~ 30 minutes is advisable. If the foot has wound, by all means, avoids soaks the foot, to avoid the wound infection.

 ✵7. Kidney tonifying and anti-aging: soak feet with ginger water can promote blood circulation, the constituents of ginger which soluble in water can also enter into the kidney, to achieve the effect of tonifying the kidney. And ginger still can effectively remove the chill of sufficient ministry, can improve the effect, smooth the human vessel circulation and help sleep to anti-aging, still can treat cold, enhance memory, make the head feels relaxed.

 Ginger Foot Bath 05 Soak feet with ginger water is good for women: 

 ✵1, Soak feet with ginger water can reduce the cold hands and feet of women in winter: Ginger can keep the cold away and warm the body. Ginger can improve blood circulation problems in the body, relieve the symptoms of cold hands and feet.

 ✵2. Soak feet with ginger water can prevent women from losing sleep: Female insomnia is very common, especially in menopause insomnia will be more serious, can relieve insomnia with ginger soak feet.

 ✵3. Soak feet with ginger water benefit women's kidneys: Kidney is very important for women to stand out, so women can take care of their kidney by soaking their feet in ginger water.

Tips of soaking feet with ginger water.

 Ginger Foot Bath 04 ✵1. Soak your feet in a bucket: Although the wooden bucket has a good insulation effect, it is too heavy and expensive to use conveniently. You can buy a higher plastic bucket in the supermarket instead and heat the water while soaking. Now there are a lot of electric foot bath basins, if you can make it higher, as deep as a bucket, that's even better.

 ✵2. It's better to soak your feet at 4-5 PM: common people choose to soak their feet before sleeping, and it is convenient so, it is also good for sleep. But if have enough time, you can soak your feet at afternoon 4-5 o 'clock or so, at this moment the effect of benefit kidney is better.

 ✵3. The temperature of the foot bath: It depends on the heat resistance of each person, and the temperature can be lower at the beginning, and then slowly add hot water, keep heating, soaking until the body heat.

 ✵4. First of all, don't soak your feet for too long: Up to 30 minutes, otherwise, the local blood circulation in the feet will be too fast for a long time, will cause relative ischemia in other parts of the body, and may lead to faint due to insufficient blood supply in the brain.

 ✵5. Do not soak your feet in half an hour after meals: After eating, most of the blood in the body flow to the digestive tract. If you soak your feet in hot water immediately after eating, the blood that should flow to the digestive system will flow to the lower limbs, which will affect digestion and absorption over time and lead to nutrient deficiency. Therefore, it is better to soak your feet 1 hour after a meal.

 ✵6. Don't go to sleep right after soaking your feet: Knead the soles of your feet while your feet are hot, wear socks to keep warm, and sleep will be the better effect after your body heat slowly decreases.

 ✵7. Better use deeper, wooden bucket with a bigger bottom area to soak your feet: Allow your feet to sit comfortably flat and soak up to your calves. The water temperature around 40 degrees is appropriate, add hot water at any time.

 ✵8. Step massage: Before going to bed with soaking feet with ginger water is particularly suitable for the cold syndrome, such as fear of cold, cold hands and feet, accompanied by chronic diarrhea, dysmenorrhea, coronary heart disease, urine difficulties, and other diseases. After soaking your feet, you still can massages reflex area.

 ✵9. Not suitable for patients with heat diseases: heat disease patients should not soak feet, such as high fever, bleeding, hot mouth, and dry tongue. It should be noted that some people are not sensitive to temperature or suffer from diabetes, varicose veins of lower limbs, etc., especially pay attention to water temperature, because these patients are prone to complicate with peripheral neuropathy, peripheral nerves can not normally sense the outside temperature, even if the water temperature is very high, they also perceive delayed, easy to be burned.

 ✵10. Prevent syncope in older people: with more blood flowing to the lower extremities, weak bodies are prone to dizziness and fainting due to insufficient blood supply to the brain. Among them, patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, the elderly should pay special attention to, if there is chest tightness, dizziness, should temporarily stop soaking feet, immediately lie on the bed to rest.

  Soaking feet until the whole body is perspiring, perspire slightly, then it is okay now, drink some water in time. It is better to soak at the same time, while drinking warm water or ginger brown sugar water, so that the body internal heat, could go out of the body through sweat.

 Ginger Foot Bath 06 Side effects and precautions of soaking feet with ginger water:

 ✵1. Affect blood flow: soaking feet with ginger water, due to the rise of the ambient temperature, the legs and feet of the peripheral blood vessels dilated, foot skin blood flow will increase.

 ✵2. It can't cure the disease: soaking feet with ginger water could prompt local circulation in short time while it will not produce very big effect to the systemic circulation, almost don't even affect the core body temperature similar as have a bath or shower, so for healthy people, soak the foot with ginger water may not cause too much of a physical change, so expect to treat various diseases by soaking feet has little effect.

 ✵3. The sleep effect is not so good: To the healthy crowd, lower temperature, short time sufficient bath feet can assist sleep, but old people and poor sleep person its effect is not big. A high-temperature sufficient bath for a long time still can raise the far end and core temperature, not good for sleep instead.

 ✵4. Children get flat feet: The arches start to form from childhood, if often use ginger to soaking children foot, will have some impact on the foot and function of nerves, blood vessels, especially the frequent soaking feet or very hot water to soak feet can lead to more children plantar ligaments sagging, is not conducive to the formation of the arch and maintain, in the long run, will increase the risk of forming flat feet.

 ✵5.Not for everyone: For people with basic vascular diseases, such as diabetes patients, patients with varicose veins or thrombosis and tinea pedis and other skin diseases, soak feet with ginger water have a certain health risk, soak feet with ginger water for a long time, the temperature is too high, due to local vasodilation, resulting in systemic effective circulation of blood volume is insufficient. Therefore, not everyone is suitable for soaking feet.

 ✵6.Athlete's foot can become a bacterial infection: the skin disease patient such as tinea pedis use ginger water to soak feet, the affected area is not only itchier, still may appear blister, still may cause secondary bacterial infection.

 ✵7.It can't stimulate blood circulation for diabetes: Diabetic feet are one of the most common complications in diabetic patients. What diabetes damages are the endothelium of foot blood vessels, which can no longer relax and contract due to the temperature. Therefore, soaking feet with ginger water can't help diabetic foot patients achieve the goal of "blood circulation" for their feet.

 ✵8. Varicose veins are more serious: For patients with varicose veins, the increase in temperature will increase the local blood flow, thereby aggravating the burden of venous reflux.

 ✵Can pregnant woman use ginger water to soak feet?

 Pregnant women can soak their feet in ginger water. Early pregnancy with ginger water soaking feet, but the proper attention to early pregnancy is that better takes light diet, do not do housework as well! Pregnant women have a heavy physical and mental burden, so they need more rest on weekdays to have a healthy body. However, they should not oversleep, which may cause physical discomfort. The following are the pregnant women should pay special attention to matters, because these factors will reduce the resistance of pregnant women, the cold pathogen is easy to invade: (1). Too much pressure (2). Too tired work (3). Stay up late (4). Emotional sadness.

 So, soaking feet with ginger water can relieve the fatigue of pregnant women and promote blood circulation. It is suggested to do a good job of pregnancy screening, regular pregnancy examination can maintain a good mood. At the same time, attention should be paid to the diet, avoid the spicy cold, overheating, coffee, strong tea, and other gastric stimulation food or drink, regular diet, avoid overeating, smoking, and alcohol.

 Tips for pregnant women to soak their feet in ginger:

 (1). First of all, pregnant women should pay attention to soaking feet for a limited time, up to 30 minutes. Otherwise, the local blood circulation in the feet will be too fast for a long time, which will cause relative ischemia in other parts of the body, and may cause fainting due to insufficient blood supply to the brain.

 (2). Pregnant women should not soak feet in half an hour after meals.

 (3). Pregnant women who use ginger water to soak feet can not sleep immediately. You better wait half an hour before you can go to bed.

 (4). Better use a wood bucket for soaking your feet, because the heat preservation of the wood bucket(barrel) is better.

 ✵Question answer:

 The longer pregnant women soak their feet, the better?

 Answer: average person better soak their feet for about 15-30 minutes, but a few special crowds including hypertensive, asthma, heart disease person is not quite suited for too long, because time is longer, blood circulation is accelerated, temperature rises, can bring illness aggravation, and the person with weak body can collapse more easily. Therefore, the soaking time should be shortened to 10 to 15 minutes. And experts warn that if you experience any discomfort while soaking your feet, stop immediately.

 Can the old man soak his feet in ginger?

 An elderly people, you always feel whole body uncomfortable. Ginger in traditional Chinese medicine which nature is warm and taste spicy, relieve the exterior, has the effect of removing a cold and relieve the exterior, and the side effect is small. Modern medicine believes that ginger can stimulate capillaries, improve local blood circulation and metabolism. Those who feel cold, cold hands and feet can soak their feet with ginger water.

 It should be noted that soak feet with gingers not to put ginger in hot water and then soak your feet for a while, but generally take 15-30 grams of ginger(about half of the medium size of ginger), heat and cover the pot with hot water for about 10 minutes. After cooking, pour out all ginger water, add some cold water to 40℃ or so (generally do not feel hot.). Then you can soak your feet with ginger water.

 Many of the medicinal ingredients in ginger are small molecules that can be boiled with a lid to prevent them from volatilizing. After soaking the feet with ginger for a while, the symptoms of coldness can be generally relieved to some extent.

 We can see that these effects have a great effect on the health of the elderly, so what should be paid attention to in the process of soaking feet with ginger.

 1. First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to foot soaking for a limited time, up to 30 minutes. Otherwise, the local blood circulation in the feet will be too fast for a long time, which will cause relative ischemia in other parts of the body, and may cause fainting due to insufficient blood supply to the brain.

 2. Old man should not soak feet with ginger water immediately after eating, this will affect the supply of stomach blood or will lead to malnutrition in the long term.

 3. Old man should not go to sleep immediately after soaking feet with ginger water, better go to sleep once the body heat slowly reduced.

 4. Old man should choose a better bucket, and the feet on the inside is better than comfortable and to let the water soaked to the leg. The water temperature should not be too high, the water temperature is about 40 degrees, add hot water at any time.

 The benefits of the old people soak their feet in ginger water: A headache of old people is mostly as a result of cervical inside, outside arterial function of other blood-vessel motion obstacles, congestive dilate, oppressive nerve. So reducing congestion in the brain could help to relieve. One can take a washbasin, pour into warm water, water temperature is unfavorable too hot, immerse both hands and wrist joint completely in water next half-hour or so, in immersive process should add hot water to assure water temperature ceaselessly, can make hand hemal dilate, blood flow of the cerebral blood vessel reduces correspondingly, make a headache gradually alleviate thereby, suit migraine especially. If conditions permit, you can also add a few pieces of ginger in hot water, which can stimulate blood vessel dilation and increase blood circulation. If you have persistent headaches, stick with this method for a long time, 2-3 times a day for half an hour, each time.

 In addition to often use ginger water to soak feet, the elderly with a headache should maintain an optimistic attitude, avoid cheese, coffee, chocolate, preserved food, pay attention to avoid cold wind, avoid the glare of the sun. You'd better stay in bed when you have a headache, avoid noise and get enough sleep.


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