Introduction of Wei Ling Xian:Chinese Clematis Root or Radix Clematidis.

TCM Herbalism:Medicinals and Classifications. ✵The article gives records of the herb Chinese Clematis Root, its English name, Latin name, property and flavor, its herbal classic book defined botanical source three plant species, ①.Clematis chinensis Osbeck., ②.Clematis hexapetala Pall., ③.Clematis manshurica Rupr., and other usable two plant species, ④.Clematis meyeniana Walp., ⑤.Clematis uncinata Champ.ex Benth., with a detailed introduction to the botanical features of these five plant species, the growth characteristics, and ecological environment of these five plant species, the features of the herb Chinese Clematis Root, its pharmacological actions, medicinal efficacy, and administration guide.

Radix Clematidis(Chinese Clematis Root).

dried dark brownish herb segments and pieces of Chinese Clematis Root Pin Yin Name: Wēi Línɡ Xiān.
 English Name: Chinese Clematis Root.
 Latin Name: Radix Clematidis.
 Property and flavor: warm, pungent, salty, slightly bitter.

 Brief introduction: The herb Radix Clematidis is the dried root and rhizome of Clematis chinensis Osbeck, Clematis hexapetala Pall., or Clematic manshurica Rupr., used (1).to dispel wind-damp and unblock the collateral meridian for treating wind-damp (rheumatic or rheumatoid) arthralgia, and (2).for the dissolution of fishbone stuck in the throat. It is commonly known as Clematis Root, Root of Chinese Clematis, Root of Sixpetal Clematis. The herb is commonly known as Radix Clematidis, Chinese Clematis Root, Wēi Línɡ Xiān.

 Botanical source: Official herbal classics defined the herb Radix Clematidis (Chinese Clematis Root) as the dried root and rhizome of (1). Clematis chinensis Osbeck., (2). Clematis hexapetala Pall., (3). Clematis mandshurica Rupr. Other common famous herbal classics defined the herb Radix Clematidis(Chinese Clematis Root) as the dried root and rhizome of (1). Clematis chinensis Osbeck., (2). Clematis hexapetala Pall., (3). Clematis mandshurica Rupr., (4). Clematis meyeniana Walp., (5). Clematis uncinata Champ.ex Benth. They are plants of the Clematis L. genus, Ranunculaceae family (buttercup, ranunculus family), Ranales order. These herbal classic book defined species and other usable species are introduced:

(1).Clematis chinensis Osbeck.

 a colorful drawing of Clematis chinensis Osbeck.,drawing of roots,stem and leaves,white flowers and seeds Botanical description: Clematis chinensis Osbeck is also known as Clematis chinensis Retz., or Clematis sinensis Lour., it is commonly known as Wēi Línɡ Xiān. A woody vine, the plant grows up to 3~10 meters long. When dried, the whole plant turns black. The stem is glabrate. Leaves are opposite; petioles are 4.5~6.5 cm long; primary pinnately compound leaves, five lobules (leaflets), sometimes 3 or 7; lobule is chartaceous (papery), narrowly ovate, oval (egg-shaped) or ovate-lanceolate, or linear-lanceolate, 1.5~10 cm long, 1~7 cm wide, the apex is sharply pointed or acuminate, the base is rounded, broadly cuneate or shallowly cordate, entire, both surfaces are glabrate, or the undersurface is sparsely pubescent.

 Coniform cyme, polyanthous (multiflorous), axillary or terminal; flowers are hermaphroditic, 1~2 cm in diameter; 4 sepals, long circular or round-obovate, 0.5~1.5 cm long, 1.5~3 mm wide, explanate, white, apex is often convex, the out margin is densely tomentose or pubescent in the center; petals are absent; stamens are many, unequal length, glabrous; many carpels, pilose.

 Achenes are oblate, oval (egg-shaped), 3~7 mm long, sparsely appressed pilose, persistent style is plumelike, 2~5 cm long. Its flowering period is from June to September, and the fruiting period is from August to November.

 flowering plants of Clematis chinensis Osbeck.,with green leaves and several small white flowers Ecological environment: The plant grows in areas at altitudes of 80~1,500 meters above sea level, on hillsides and mountain slopes, bushes in the valley, ditch sides, and grass on roadsides. The plant is distributed in the southern Anhui area of the Huai River, the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the Zhujiang river area, the middle reaches of the Yellow River, the areas of the Hanjiang River, the southwest area, and Taiwan of China.

 Growth characteristics: The plant Clematis chinensis prefers a warm and humid climate, and calcareous soil with humus is most suitable for cultivation.

 flowering plants of Clematis chinensis Osbeck. with several whitish flowers Characters of herbs: The rhizome is lalongate and cylindrical, 1.5~10 cm long, and 0.3~1.5 cm in diameter, with many radicels on both sides and the lower part; the surface is pale brown yellow to tan (chocolate brown), the cortex is often dehiscent and fibrous, the nodes are raised, and woody stem base often remains on the top. The texture of the herb is tougher, the fracture surface is fibrous. The root is long cylindrical, slightly twisted, 7~20 cm long, and 0.1~0.3 cm in diameter; the surface is tan (chocolate brown) or dark brown, with fine longitudinal striation, and sometimes the bark falls off and the pale yellow xylem (wood part) is exposed, the texture of the herb is hard and crisp, easy to break, the cortex of the fracture surface is wide, and regularly cracks with the xylem (wood part). The herb has a slight odor, and it tastes slight bitter. The herb of a better grade has uniform or even stripes, the texture of the herb is firm and hard, and the fracture surface is ash gray (grayish-white).

 Pharmacological actions: ①.analgesic effect; ②.choleretic effect.

 Medicinal efficacy: Dispel wind and eliminate dampness, free collaterals, and relieve pain. It is indicated for rheumatic pain, numbness of limbs, the tension of muscles and arteries, bend to stretch disadvantage, bone choking in the throat, beriberi swelling and pain, malaria, phlegm and retained fluid accumulation.

 Administration of Radix Clematidis (Wēi Línɡ Xiān): 
Reference: Administration Guide of Radix Clematidis (Wēi Línɡ Xiān)
TCM Books: ①.Internally: 6~9 grams; ②.Internally:water decoction, 2~3 qian (about 6~9 grams), infusing in wine or prepare to pill,powder.Externally:mashed and apply stick; ③.Internally:water decoction, 6~9 grams, or prepared to pill, powder, or infusing in wine.Externally:proper amount,mashed and apply stick, or fumigation wash with water decoction,or prepare to foaming agent.
 Contraindications,Precautions and Adverse Reactions: the herb Radix Clematidis should be used cautiously during pregnancy.

(2).Clematis hexapetala Pall.

 several flowering plants of Clematis hexapetala Pall. with several white flowers grow in field Botanical description: Clematis hexapetala Pall is also known as Clematis angustifolia Jacq., is commonly known as Mián Tuán Tiě Xiàn Lián. An upright herb, the plant grows up to 30~100 cm tall. The stem is cylindrical, has vertical grooves, sparsely pilose, and later falls off and glabrescent. Leaves are opposite; petioles are 0.5~3.5 cm long; leaf blades are more or less coriaceous, green, often turns black when it is dried, 1-2-pinnately parted, lobes are linear-lanceolate, long elliptic-lanceolate, elliptic or linear, 1.5~10 cm long, 0.1~2 cm wide, the apex is sharp pointed or convex, sometimes obtuse, entire, both surfaces or along veins are sparsely villous or glabrate, reticulated veins are protuberant.

 Cymes are apical or axillary and usually have 3 flowers, sometimes solitary, pedicels are pilose; bracts are linear. Flowers are hermaphroditic, 2.5~5 cm in diameter; 4~8 sepals (calyx lobes), usually 6, oblong or narrowly obovate, 1~2.5 cm long, 0.3~1 cm wide, white, explanate, out surface is densely white tomentose, similar to cotton balls in buds, the inner surface is glabrous; petals are absent; stamens are many, filaments are thin and long, about 9 mm long, glabrous, anthers are linear; carpels are many, have white pilose.

 Achenes are obovate, oblate, or flat, about 4 mm long, densely pilose, persistent style is plumelike, 1.5~3 cm long. Its flowering period is from June to August, and the fruiting period is from July to October.

 a flowering plant of Clematis hexapetala Pall. with green leaves and several small white flowers Ecological environment: The plant grows on hillsides or mountain slopes, meadows on mountain slopes or a fixed dune. It is distributed in the eastern north, northwest, central and southern areas of China.

 Characters of herbs: The rhizome is short columnar, 1~4 cm long, and 0.5~1 cm in diameter. Fewer roots, 4~20 cm long, and 0.1~0.2 cm in diameter; the surface is tan (chocolate brown) to brownish-black, the duramen (wood core) of the fracture surface is round and small, accounting for less than 1/2 of the root diameter. The herb tastes salty. The herb of a better grade has uniform or even stripes, the texture of the herb is firm and hard, and the fracture surface is ash gray (grayish-white).

(3).Clematis mandshurica Rupr.

 plants of Clematis mandshurica Rupr grow in field with many green leaves Botanical description: Clematis mandshurica Rupr is also known as Clematis terniflora DC.var.mandshurica (Rupr.) Ohwi, is commonly known as Là Liǎo Tiě Xiàn Lián. A climbing vine. Stem and branches are glabrous or glabrate, except nodes are white pilose. Primary pinnately compound leaf, lobules are entire, more or less coriaceous, oval (egg-shaped), ovate-oblong or lanceolate-ovate, the apex is acuminate or sharp pointed, rarely obtuse, not slightly concave, the upper surface is glabrous, reticulated veins are conspicuous, the undersurface is glabrate.

 Inflorescences are long and upright, up to 25 cm long, peduncle, pedicels are glabrate or slightly pubescent; sepals are glabrous on the outside or slightly pubescent, except the margin is tomentose.

 Achenes are small, 4~6 mm long. Its flowering period is from June to August, and the fruiting period is from July to September.

 flowering plants of Clematis mandshurica Rupr with whitish flowers Ecological environment: The plant grows in bushes on hillsides or mountain slopes, in shaw (holt or miscellaneous wood forest), or on the forest edge. It is distributed in the northern and other areas of China.

 Characters of herbs: The rhizome is columnar, 1~11 cm long, and 0.5~2.5 cm in diameter. The roots are many, thin and long, and dense as horsetail shape, the surface is brownish black or tan (chocolate brown), with many conspicuous fine wrinkles, the cortex of the fracture surface is white, and the duramen (wood core) is orbicular, thin and small. The herb tastes spicy. The herb of a better grade has uniform or even stripes, the texture of the herb is firm and hard, and the fracture surface is ash gray (grayish-white).

(4).Clematis meyeniana Walp.

 flowering plants of Clematis meyeniana Walp. with many small whitish flowers Botanical description: Clematis meyeniana Walp is commonly known as Máo Zhù Tiě Xiàn Lián. A woody vine, old branches are cylindrical, with longitudinal striation, and branchlets (twigs) have ribs. Leaves are opposite; petioles are 4~8 cm long; trifoliolate leaves, lobules (leaflet) are more or less coriaceous, oval (egg-shaped) or ovate-oblong, sometimes are broadly ovate, 3~12 cm long, 2~7.5 cm wide, the apex is sharp pointed, acuminate, or sharp-pointed, base is rounded, shallowly cordate or broadly cuneate, entire, both surfaces are glabrous, leaf veins are protuberant.

 Coniform cymes are axillary or apical (terminal), polyanthous (multiflorous); usually have no persistent bud scales; flower bracts are small, subulate; flowers are hermaphroditic, 4 sepals (calyx lobes), oblong oval or lanceolate, about 10 mm long, about 3 mm wide, out margins is tomentose, the inner surface is glabrous; petals are absent; stamens are many, glabrous, anthers are longer than filaments; carpels are many, pilose.

 Achenes are sickle-shaped narrowly ovate or narrowly obovate, 3~4.5 mm long, pilose, persistent styles are plumelike, up to 2.5 cm long. Its flowering period is from June to August, and the fruiting period is from August to October.

 flowering plants of Clematis meyeniana Walp with many small white flowers and reddish stalks Ecological environment: The plant grows in areas at altitudes of 250~1,850 meters above sea level, in open forests on hillsides and mountain slopes, in bushes on roadsides, or in valleys and streams. The plant is distributed in the upper and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the Zhujiang river area, the southwest area, and Taiwan of China.

 Characters of herbs: The rhizome and root are similar to the rhizome and root of Clematis chinensis Osbeck, which is difficult to distinguish. The herb has a mild taste. The herb of a better grade has uniform or even stripes, the texture of the herb is firm and hard, and the fracture surface is ash gray (grayish-white).

(5).Clematis uncinata Champ.ex Benth.

 flowering plant of Clematis uncinata Champ.ex Benth. with whitish flowers Botanical description: Clematis uncinata Champ.ex Benth is also known as Clematis uncinata Champ. ex Benth.var.biternata W.T.Wang., it is commonly known as Zhù Guǒ Tiě Xiàn Lián, or Guāng Guǒ Tiě Xiàn Lián. Vine. The stem is cylindrical, with longitudinal striations, the stem and leaves are glabrous and often turn black when it is dried. Leaves are opposite; petioles are 5~7.5 cm long; primary to bipinnately compound leaves, 5~15 lobules (leaflets), two pairs on base are often 2–3 lobules; leaves on stem base are single leaf or trifoliolate leaves; lobelet is chartaceous (papery) or thinly coriaceous, broadly ovate, oval (egg-shaped), oblong-ovate or ovate-lanceolate, 3~13 cm long, 1.5~7 cm wide, the apex is acuminate or pointed, occasionally emarginate, the base is rounded or broadly cuneate, sometimes shallowly cordate or truncate, entire, two surfaces have protuberant reticulated veins.

 Coniform cymes are axillary or apical (terminal), polyanthous (multiflorous); flowers are hermaphroditic, 4 sepals (calyx lobes), linear-lanceolate or oblanceolate, 1~1.5 cm long, white, explanate, turn black when it is dried; flower petals are absent; stamens are many, glabrous; carpels are many, glabrous.

 Achenes are terete subulate (cylindric diamond-shape), 5~8 mm long, turn black when it is dried, glabrous, persistent styles are plumelike, 1~2 cm long. Its flowering period is from June to July, and the fruiting period is from July to September.

 flowering plants of Clematis uncinata Champ.ex Benth with many yellowish flowers Ecological environment: The plant grows in hilly areas and mountainous regions, valleys, bushes near streams, and forest edges, in areas at altitudes of 100~1,800 meters above sea level. The plant is distributed in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the area of the Hanjiang River, the Zhujiang river area, southern Gansu, the southwest area, and Taiwan of China.

 Characters of herbs: The root surface is pale brown, with conspicuous vertical wrinkles, and the fracture surface is corneous. The herb has a mild taste. The herb of a better grade has uniform or even stripes, the texture of the herb is firm and hard, and the fracture surface is ash gray (grayish-white).



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  • 1.Introduction of Wei Ling Xian:Chinese Clematis Root or Radix Clematidis.

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